
Traffic monitoring method, especially red light monitoring involves detecting forbidden movement of vehicle, transmitting picture of offence to central office for evaluation and sending fine notification to determined vehicle owner?keyword=Traffic monitoring method, especially red light monitoring involves detecting forbidden movement of vehicle, transmitting picture of offence to central office for evaluation and sending fine notification to determined vehicle owner?keyword=Traffic monitoring method, especially red light monitoring involves detecting forbidden movement of vehicle, transmitting picture of offence to central office for evaluation and sending fine notification to determined vehicle owner?keyword=Traffic monitoring method, especially red light monitoring involves detecting forbidden movement of vehicle, transmitting picture of offence to central office for evaluation and sending fine notification to determined vehicle owner

没找到想要的结果?为您推荐专业专利顾问检索  Traffic monitoring method, especially red light monitoring involves detecting forbidden movement of vehicle, transmitting picture of offence to central office for evaluation and sending fine notification to determined vehicle owner?keyword=Traffic monitoring method, especially red light monitoring involves detecting forbidden movement of vehicle, transmitting picture of offence to central office for evaluation and sending fine notification to determined vehicle owner?keyword=Traffic monitoring method, especially red light monitoring involves detecting forbidden movement of vehicle, transmitting picture of offence to central office for evaluation and sending fine notification to determined vehicle owner?keyword=Traffic monitoring method, especially red light monitoring involves detecting forbidden movement of vehicle, transmitting picture of offence to central office for evaluation and sending fine notification to determined vehicle owner 专利,更快更准确

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