
Pipe connector for town gas pipelines comprises coupling sleeve overlapping pipe ends and sealing sleeve inserted between each pipe end and coupling sleeve, leaving cylindrical space into which pressurised fluid can be fed?keyword=Pipe connector for town gas pipelines comprises coupling sleeve overlapping pipe ends and sealing sleeve inserted between each pipe end and coupling sleeve, leaving cylindrical space into which pressurised fluid can be fed

没找到想要的结果?为您推荐专业专利顾问检索  Pipe connector for town gas pipelines comprises coupling sleeve overlapping pipe ends and sealing sleeve inserted between each pipe end and coupling sleeve, leaving cylindrical space into which pressurised fluid can be fed?keyword=Pipe connector for town gas pipelines comprises coupling sleeve overlapping pipe ends and sealing sleeve inserted between each pipe end and coupling sleeve, leaving cylindrical space into which pressurised fluid can be fed 专利,更快更准确

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