
Concrete, useful to produce steel reinforced concrete railway sleepers, comprises cement, water, fine particles, flowing agent, fine aggregates, and coarse aggregate, which is partially recycled from the concrete?keyword=Concrete, useful to produce steel reinforced concrete railway sleepers, comprises cement, water, fine particles, flowing agent, fine aggregates, and coarse aggregate, which is partially recycled from the concrete

没找到想要的结果?为您推荐专业专利顾问检索  Concrete, useful to produce steel reinforced concrete railway sleepers, comprises cement, water, fine particles, flowing agent, fine aggregates, and coarse aggregate, which is partially recycled from the concrete?keyword=Concrete, useful to produce steel reinforced concrete railway sleepers, comprises cement, water, fine particles, flowing agent, fine aggregates, and coarse aggregate, which is partially recycled from the concrete 专利,更快更准确

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